The microcosm that is an office has the ability to depict all of human emotion an behaviour over the course of a single day. I always have my notebook to hand, jotting down the days events.
Mood Hoover :Someone who sucks all the good feelings out a room. They are obsessed with doom and gloom and that is where there conversations are focued.Oh no, here comes the mood hoover to share his misery.One of these personalise can be hazardous to deal with, as no matter how optimism you throw their way, the mood hover will suck up and destroy all the positivity you create. It is this exact nature which makes them so dangerous to the working environment. Continuous negativity blocks change, a vital ingredient to the working environment. Working with a mood hoover not only affects your mental well being, but impedes team progression. And when managers struggle to get processes changed for the better, everyone suffers - employees and service users. But who's to blame for these deleterious attitudes? The assumption bad management is at play is all to easy an assumption, passing the buck is a trait of the mood hoover personality that should be handled with caution. In fact the causes of stagnant growth lay closer to home, and prove why people who perpetuate negativity are more than just frustrating.
Happy people are more intelligent, energetic, creative and productive.